
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Chapter 3

Reverent David a priestly person man, and his origin was of Scottish or at least that was how the people know him because of his Scottish accent of speech. 
He was ready to lend a hand at any time to any one. Over at Tillers peak as per their request Sullivan opened the door for the Reverent and welcomed him , the way he should. by greeting the reverent Sullivan then took the Reverent to the study.  Sullivan officially spoke reverent. "As you must have known, I have become a grand father and Magnes is her name so I as to the best of my interest that she should be baptized in your parish what do you say? Reverent David the replied, Well jolly good !Sullivan,  it would be a pleasure how about we settle in for the baptism next month Sullivan rep.lied Thank you Regent so next month it is.

Winter was approaching the breeze of the wind grow stronger and colder snow started to lay its first carpet on the ground the grass follows disappeared the birds had flown to the warmer countries weaker ago

The Tiller were all spotless  dressed in fine cloths mages was wrapped in a fine white voices of joy and party every one was set to the go to church for the christening as they reached the church of reverent David they heard church bells ring 3 times Solemnly and quality the family marched into the parish with the child and friends the reverent was seen standing by the alter he called out the family of the Tillers to approach for the function The reverent took the sleeping baby Magness from its mother to proceed with the function .

Magnes was then baptized Martha replied I will .be the god mother.

By the stick of 12 the function came to an end which was followed by a shower of appose and congrats by every one in the family as the congregation was moving from the church every one took turns in the greeting and shaking hands with Rvt and the family

The family stayed a while in the quite lonely church to pay their offering to the church and to the priest Sullivan and Norman then Approached to priest to think and to shake hands

Sullivan replied yes indeed your reverend’s god’s will was in favour Reverent David then asked Norman it going to be heard to raise that child of yours Norman then replied Well as your said Reverent yourself “go will so go will raise her not me I an merely a instrument of his purpose 

Norman then took from his cot pocket an envelope contain some money and given it to the reverent as an offering of thanks and then he followed the family out of the church into the house.